Thursday, September 10, 2015

Unreal Engine 4.8.3 w/ HBAO+ source available!

I have put HBAO+ (currently v2.4) into Unreal Engine 4.8.3. You can get it Here [github].
Of course, this requires that you have an account with Epic Games that is linked to your Github account.
Though, currently with this version the default ambient occlusion isn't disabled by default as in when I integrated HBAO+ into 4.8.2. The method I used to disable the default ambient occlusion in 4.8.2 doesn't seem to work in 4.8.3. I'm going to look into this to find an alternative option.

Until then, Enjoy!

Now, we patiently wait for a possible option to integrate into 4.9 and possibly a HBAO+ update for possible performance updates for DirectX 12 as the current method is a whole new journey.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Beginning to learn Unreal Engine 4

After seeing all the interesting new things happening with Unreal Engine 4 and seeing it get better and better, I decided to work with it and participate with Unreal Engine 4.

I began to experiment with integrating Nvidia's GameWorks into it progressively throughout the updates to roll out with Unreal Engine for the one's who would like to be able to get the newest features from UE4's updates and still keep the possible features of Nvidia's GameWorks.

From the last update that Nvidia actually decided to update in their branch of Unreal Engine 4 with HBAO+ integrated (which was 4.7), I decided to take it on for myself to integrate it into 4.8.2.

That came to a success. I amazed myself as just starting to fool around with Unreal Engine.

Here's is a screenshot showing that it properly displays and works inside Unreal Engine 4.8.2.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

More Screenshots + Update to the rim

More screenshots of the map/environment within the actual game engine:

Rim ingame in my map/environment:

Grass/ground texture of my map:

The texture is the grass texture used in Halo Reach. Credits go to Bungie, Inc. for the grass texture.

Rim after a few updates to the texture:

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Update to the environment (Again...)

About a day or so ago, I updated the environment/map I've been messing with.


  • Completely re-textured the terrain
  • Removed the lens flares from the lights on the pillars
  • Replaced all vegetation except the trees

Credits go to "the_grim" on the CryEngine Community forums for the grass vegetation.
You can also get his vegetation pack from here: Grim Designs Grass

Random experiment

After sitting at my computer for countless minutes with a blank imagination trying to think what to make, I came up with an idea to experiment on creating a rim.
People that liked my work on highpoly rim models I have done before, knew I would already make them high poly, but never actually baked them out.
This was my experiment precisely for that. lol

This is what I came up with entirely in 3-4 hours.

That includes:

  • Modeling a highpoly model
  • Creating a decent optimized lowpoly model from that highpoly model
  • Baking the highpoly model's normals to the lowpoly
  • Tweaking the lowpoly's topology to present the best proper normals
  • Use Substance Designer to bake out a curvature and ambient occlusion
  • Create a standard base in Quixel Suite using all I created so far
  • Make a small presentation of what I've done in Marmoset Toolbag 2